Thursday, November 27, 2008

Baby Update: These Feet Were Made For Walking

As you may have read, yesterday was a day of painful recovery for Jason and me. There was, however, a brief moment, about 10 seconds, when I felt no pain. It was a beautiful moment of elation that removed Jason and me from our struggles with our bowels. 

Beans took three consecutive steps.

She hasn't done it since, but she's on her way to full, upright mobility. She again wanted something I was holding (in my sicken haze, I can't even remember what I was holding) and she took the little steps. One, two, three. It was amazing! 

Three small steps for baby, one giant leap for mummy's heart!

The Worst Is Over

Today is Thanksgiving. Today I am thankful that I could eat something more bulky than Gatorade and broth, albeit a delicious broth of chicken, ginger, and lemon.

If you're moderately sickened when it come to tales of illness, you should forego reading this post. Seriously. You should stop right here. Or back there at the period. Or at that last one or at the one coming up.

Beans had a stomach bug earlier this week. She actually threw up, not spit up, and has had booboorrhea, as we call it around here. Night before last she seemed to be feeling much better. Held down some bananas and applesauce and a bit or rice. Not a fan of it as it was not very flavourful. I should be particularly proud of my baby girl because she learned effortlessly to share. Yes, she gave Jason and me her bug. We spent the whole night taking turns on the toilet with a bucket.

The next day (yesterday) was awful. Poor Beans had to spend most of it playing in her play yard in the bend of our L-shaped couch or had to sit with us on the couch and cuddle, while Jason and I attempted to entertain her and recover. Luckily she was feeling better, but not well. She was moving a little slower than usual.

We had three heros come to our aid yesterday too. Our awesome friend Anh left orange Gatorade on our door step and Jason's parents left us formula for Beans. Jason wanted Gatorade (specifically orange) so badly that at 3am amidst the yaking he decided to go get some. It was a short lived venture as he had to run back to use the facilities before he even got out the front door. And of course in our condition yesterday, we'd have never made it out to get formula for the little girl.

But today is a better day. We woke up and we able to stand with no weak, achey knees, swerving stomachs, or pounding heads. Anh also came by to bring us food. We got some Thanksgiving dinner from the Truong family! It was so good. Seriously. The stuffing had sausage and apples in it! Not to mention Beans got to see her buddy and that always makes everyone happy.

Although it has been a small, uneventful turkey day, I am very thankful for many things on this day. My family's health, my in-laws, my wonderful friends, left-overs, and the simple fact that my knees aren't aching! Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Monday, November 24, 2008

How Could I Not?

As I was washing baby bottles today, I was looking at the violets in the window. Nearly two months ago Jason brought them in. They had sprouted as a weed in another flower's pot in our back yard. He brought them in in a spray paint can top. And there, in the window, they have sat for almost two months, blooming continually. 

Yes, they have been blooming for two months straight. It clicked that my husband doesn't have a green thumb or two, he has green hands. All out green hands. Maybe wrists too.

This was wonderful, but what really made me feel in complete awe of him was the empty dishwasher. I went to unload to find that it was unloaded. I should also mention that he got up with Beans last night to feed her and got up with her this morning and let me sleep in a much needed extra hour.

And then this evening, I was looking at my tired face in the bathroom mirror while I was running Bean's bath. I look tired. Rough. I'm in my mid twenties and I already have dark circles, bags, and wrinkles around my eyes. Just as I was feeling really bad, I remember the simple comment Jason had made about 15 minutes before. I was cleaning the dishes after dinner and he simply stated that I looked pretty.

How could I not adore this man?

Friday, November 21, 2008

Baby Update: First Step

I don't have picture to go with this, sorry. But I nearly passed out yesterday when Beans took a tiny step. It was little, but it was a step. 

I was holding a book and her baby powder and she wanted them, badly. So the left foot moved forward. Then the right foot came to meet the left. Then she of course grabbed the book and powder and plopped down.

Anh and I started clapping for Beans. Beans had no idea why we were clapping, she was just happy that we were.

Hooray for Beans and her first step.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Turtle Baby

I was putting old photos on my new computer and came across this one. I couldn't resist posting it. 

This is the photo that inspired Bean's turtle costume. She's my beautiful baby girl. And if any one has the right to call her a turtle, it's me. And yes, I know it's kind of making fun, but seriously. She looks like a little baby turtle.

Doesn't she. You know she does. It's okay. You can agree. I give you permission to laugh at my baby's turtle-like cuteness. Tee hee hee.

Christmas Came Early to my Laundry Room

Behold! My new high speed, high efficiency, front loading washer and dryer! It's like I was just given a brand new Ferrari 360 Modena for my clothes! And yes, I'm completely aware of the hilarity of the fact that I'm a stay-at-home mom/wife and that's I'm excited about this. And you know what... I do not care. It's just too freaking awesome to care what anyone thinks! And please note that all the exclamation points in this post should be read as joyous screaming. Yeah!

And in case you were wondering how I came to be the proud owner of these beautiful machines, I have an awesome uncle and grandmother who love me. And I love them - and still would even if they didn't give me this awesome early Christmas present! Thank you!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Baby Update: Mac & Cheese

Beans tried a new food yesterday. Mac and cheese, or more officially, Velveeta Shells & Cheese.
She sat on the kitchen floor playing with toys and pots and spatulas whilst I cooked noodles. Then she and I drained the noodles and we and the dog sampled a few. Then we poured on the orangey yellow cheese sauce goodness and stirred. We then went to the living room and ate mac and cheese until our hearts and tummies were content. And as you may be able to tell from the photo, Bean's heart, tummy, and taste buds were content and very happy.  

Hooray for mac and cheese and happy babies.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lucky Hungry Me

I'm sorry that you can't taste this. Really, I am. Jason made homemade vegetable beef soup. The veggies are fresh, the beef is tender, and the spice is perfect. But of course, it doesn't stop there. 

He also made cracked pepper bread. It's soft and peppery on the inside. And the outer crust is perfect for dipping. And yes, that's real "clog-your-arteries-oh-so-good" butter you see smeared all over it.

This is just one of the plethora of reasons that I love that man. I love food. He love food. He loves to cook. He cooks good food. I love to eat good food that he loves to cook. We go together like vegetable beef soup and cracked pepper bread. 

Saturday, November 8, 2008

More Halloweenery

I figured that I need to post a few more photos. I have a feeling certain peoples would  not be satisfied with a mere two photos. So here's to you, you know who you are.

Kelsey modeling the shell for Jason.

The shell nearing completion.

Happy turtle Bean with sun burned Dada.

Mummy following her turtle baby.

Beans decided to join this family. Literally, she sat with Robin and her girls for about an hour.

Turtle Beans nearing the end of the night, worn out and full of Halloween goodness.

We really did have a great time. And I'm already thinking about next year, when she'll be walking... Only 358 days to plan! Hahaha!

Friday, November 7, 2008

First Bean Halloween

So I've been taking my happy time getting these up, but finally, there are baby Halloween photos!

As you can see the costumes were edited. There was no Hunter S. Thompson and there was no mummy. Jason and I did cop-out costumes that despite their ease were a big hit. We were sun burned Hawaiian tourists. Hawaiian shirt, camera, Crocs, and leis... voila! Hawaiian tourists! 

The sun burn you ask? Black Radiance Ruby Rouge. Yes, that's cheap drug store blush giving Jason that sun burned glow. Effective, eh?

And Beans was a cute little cooter. My baby turtle. It was so funny. She crawled around the party like she was on a mission - she always crawls that way. She firmly plants each hand with a dedicated plop, pushing with her left knee and propelling with her right foot. At one point she made her way through the kitchen. The best part of the being the instantaneous "awww"s and giggles that lined her path.

Needless to say, she had a blast. She got to try all sorts of new foods and meet new people who wanted to hold her and feed her and so on. She couldn't ask for more. 

And then of course when it was all said and done, she fell asleep on the ride home and most certainly had dreams of sugary treats. All in all, Halloween 2008 = major fun success!