Monday, November 24, 2008

How Could I Not?

As I was washing baby bottles today, I was looking at the violets in the window. Nearly two months ago Jason brought them in. They had sprouted as a weed in another flower's pot in our back yard. He brought them in in a spray paint can top. And there, in the window, they have sat for almost two months, blooming continually. 

Yes, they have been blooming for two months straight. It clicked that my husband doesn't have a green thumb or two, he has green hands. All out green hands. Maybe wrists too.

This was wonderful, but what really made me feel in complete awe of him was the empty dishwasher. I went to unload to find that it was unloaded. I should also mention that he got up with Beans last night to feed her and got up with her this morning and let me sleep in a much needed extra hour.

And then this evening, I was looking at my tired face in the bathroom mirror while I was running Bean's bath. I look tired. Rough. I'm in my mid twenties and I already have dark circles, bags, and wrinkles around my eyes. Just as I was feeling really bad, I remember the simple comment Jason had made about 15 minutes before. I was cleaning the dishes after dinner and he simply stated that I looked pretty.

How could I not adore this man?

1 comment:

4get2remember said...

You guys are a freakishly fantastic family. I love you with all the alliteration I can muster on Thanksgiving day...xoxoxo