Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Worst Is Over

Today is Thanksgiving. Today I am thankful that I could eat something more bulky than Gatorade and broth, albeit a delicious broth of chicken, ginger, and lemon.

If you're moderately sickened when it come to tales of illness, you should forego reading this post. Seriously. You should stop right here. Or back there at the period. Or at that last one or at the one coming up.

Beans had a stomach bug earlier this week. She actually threw up, not spit up, and has had booboorrhea, as we call it around here. Night before last she seemed to be feeling much better. Held down some bananas and applesauce and a bit or rice. Not a fan of it as it was not very flavourful. I should be particularly proud of my baby girl because she learned effortlessly to share. Yes, she gave Jason and me her bug. We spent the whole night taking turns on the toilet with a bucket.

The next day (yesterday) was awful. Poor Beans had to spend most of it playing in her play yard in the bend of our L-shaped couch or had to sit with us on the couch and cuddle, while Jason and I attempted to entertain her and recover. Luckily she was feeling better, but not well. She was moving a little slower than usual.

We had three heros come to our aid yesterday too. Our awesome friend Anh left orange Gatorade on our door step and Jason's parents left us formula for Beans. Jason wanted Gatorade (specifically orange) so badly that at 3am amidst the yaking he decided to go get some. It was a short lived venture as he had to run back to use the facilities before he even got out the front door. And of course in our condition yesterday, we'd have never made it out to get formula for the little girl.

But today is a better day. We woke up and we able to stand with no weak, achey knees, swerving stomachs, or pounding heads. Anh also came by to bring us food. We got some Thanksgiving dinner from the Truong family! It was so good. Seriously. The stuffing had sausage and apples in it! Not to mention Beans got to see her buddy and that always makes everyone happy.

Although it has been a small, uneventful turkey day, I am very thankful for many things on this day. My family's health, my in-laws, my wonderful friends, left-overs, and the simple fact that my knees aren't aching! Happy Thanksgiving to all!

1 comment:

4get2remember said...

WHAT?! Ohmigolly child, I'm so sorry! I wish I had known!

I'm glad you're recovering. Call Florian's cell if you need anything today - I'm phoneless for a little while.

We love you guys and don't want you to be sick (like you two want to be sick...) >:-(