Friday, January 16, 2009

Baby Update: Happy Birthday from your Friends at Poison Control

Happy birthday to my Beany girl! That's right she's made it through one year of life! With some help from Muma and Dada, but why nit-pick?

For her first birthday treat, she found and partook (I suspect) of some styrofoam packaging! I turn my head for maybe 30 seconds and she's found some elusive foamy goodness. It's crumpled all around and I have no idea how much if any is in her mouth. Thus we fish for foam.

Not finding any in her mouth, I have a moment of peace. Then the "what ifs" set in. What is she did swallow some? Is it poisonous? Should I go to the hospital? Will they pump her stomach? But I remember the commercial "call 1-800-222-1222"! Yes, victory!

So I dial and follow the prompt and am connect with a very friendly fellow mommy (whose son will also be 1 on the 27th - happy birthday kiddo)! I tell her half laughing, half panicked  what has happened. She told me to hold for a moment while she checked, but was fairly certain that she'd be okay.

And of course after a moment she informed that she would be just fine. She said just give her a little something to drink and not to worry. Turns out that swallowing styrofoam is considered a "non-toxic" exposure! Hooray!

Child's first birthday, styrofoam, Poison Control,... all priceless!

1 comment:

4get2remember said...

Ack! I ate a whole bottle of baby powder when I was one...not so awesome!

I hope little Beany Baby had a great start to her birthday weekend!