Yes, it's that time again. It started in Mississippi. Beans has a second molar coming in. She's seriously fussy and grumpy and running a low grade temperature. It's just broken through the gum. She's really enjoying chewing on ice. And she actually said "ice" today.
And speaking of new discoveries, she can now identify a nose and half way identify a mouth. She did mouth twice, but nose she knows.
And the bruises and scrapes she is so proudly displaying in the photo to the right are from her first full on encounter with pavement. Yes, little Beans was walking down my dad's drive way in Mississippi and got some serious momentum going. And it was too much. Face plant into the pavement. She handled it like a pro. She cried (wailed) for about 5 minute and then was cool. It's almost completely healed already too.
She also met the car door on the way home. She pulled this awesome maneuver in my arms and manage to connect her maxilla with the corner of the car door. Some tears and wailing, but she's tough.
Tough and cute. We're in for it.