Friday, June 26, 2009

Where's Yiyi?

Hi there! Miss me? I've missed you. Really, I have. A little.

Nothing personal, but I've been too busy and hot to miss blogging. And with a cute little water bug (like the one in the photo to the right) who could miss anything?

We've been swimming, we went to the zoo, we been playing in the sand box and the kiddie pool. We've been having a blast. 

It's also been hot. If you haven't figured it out, we live in the south-east United States. And it gets sickeningly hot here. I've lived in Cairo, Egypt and the heat there is more tolerable than it is here. It's the humidity. It's like walking around in a hot bathroom that someone just took an hour long shower in. It's hot and gross. But if you like that sort of thing, great. Some one should. Thank you for taking that bullet for me.

But Beans doesn't mind the heat of humidity. As long as there's water or people she happy as a clam in a frog shaped pool.

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