That's right. Little Bean just had her 2nd birthday. I've been enjoying two years of the unexpected and beautiful.
She had a great birthday. We had a family corn dog party and I attempted an ice cream cake (a delicious mess). She got a Little People Fairy Tree House, a Safari Set (which she's discovering in the photo), and some cute new clothes. We kept it small - we just had Christmas for crying out loud!
She has also been to her two year check-up. She's still topping the chart in height and weight. She's proportionate, so it isn't anything to be concerned about. She's just big (35.5 inches tall and 30.5 pounds). It was also confirmed she detests the doctor. And the doctor reassured me that her behaviour is perfectly normal for a 2 year old at the doctor.
She's becoming a little person. She is willful (which is just me being a mother and not wanting to day stubborn - she'd put a mule to shame). We're having temper tantrums, but I maintain that I will not negotiate with terrorists. But the majority of the time, she's a happy little munchkin, eating snacks, drinking juice, playing with animals, and giggling like a fool!
It's been another great year and we're looking forward to the next!
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