I've been away but for good reasons! Why?! Well, let me tell you...
I've been busy with the Bean first off. She's a little pistol. Still balls to the wall, nonstop, go go
go from the second she wakes up until (the 15 minutes after) her head hits the pillow! She's nearing her 3rd birthday and is all toddler!
I've been dancing around construction. My husband is slowly but surely remodeling the kitchen. It's going well, but hard to cook. Been coming up with as many one pot meals as I can with out them getting old or repetitive. It's certainly a challenge.
I've also been working on my new Etsy shop. I'm making toddler tees. I'd provide a link, but I'm going to wait until it's a little more finished for the grand "unveiling."
I've also been working (or speeding up my slow decent into madness, whatever). I'm now a "nanny." I've been helping a friend since she's gone back to work after having her second little boy. So at least three days a week I've been caring for a nearly 5 month old and two toddlers. Funny, I thought the toddlers would entertain each other... only when they're not at each other's throats! Oh and there's the poop... oh the poop. If I've never mentioned, fecal matter is one of the few things that I just, well, can't do. I'm kind of at a loss for how to describe my aversion... maybe that for another post.

We've also take in a new puppy. So our family has grown! We now have another girl doggie. We adopted her at the beginning of July. She'd been neglected and was very hungry - a measly 25 pounds. Nothing was wrong with her (no fleas, no heart worm, good teeth, good skin, great physical condition, just skin bones). But she has a "dark" side we've learned... I've nicknamed her "the Detroyer." The number of materials she can crush with her jaws is ever growing. She's chewed through plastic, wood, drywall, and a few different fabrics to name a few. Wood seems to be a favourite. After we had her spayed (insert Bob Barker saying spay and neuter your pets here) she got a little sick to her stomach and there was wood in her vomit even though she hadn't eaten since midnight the night before! We're happy to have her so you can expect many Destroyer and Bear (that's our original dog) stories to come.
That's the general gist of my life right now. I'll try to keep you posted on any interesting happenings! Until next time, world.
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