It came to my attention that in all my ranting, I haven't once mentioned any of the awesomeness that is my Jason. Allow me to remedy the issue.
amazing hybrid food I've had in ages. Tortilla chips, jalapenos, cheese, chili, awesomeness. I came home to this and a peaceful sleeping baby after a crapy night of working late. Super and supper.

The first picture you see is Jason's chili. We had a cold snap, and he made the deliciousness you see before you. Not only that, but baked potatoes in which to put the chili. Another bonus, Beans got to try (and loved) chili.
The next day, I was presented with "chili nachos" - the most
And lately, he and his father and brother have been repairing our leaky roof. It's quite amazing. The picture doesn't show the true nature of the project. It got much messier. They took half the roof off the house, insulated, replaced all sorts of rotted wood, and then put new roof on! I can't do that. All that's left is shingles.
I can't do that either.
And this last photo was taken last night. Jason over the past two day, made salsa and jalapeno poppers. They are truly delicacies! We had some friends and family over and he made a feast. In addition to the salsa and poppers, he made grilled raspberry-chipotle chicken. It was so good. There were rants and raves and "mmmm" and stuffed people all around.
But by far, one of the best things he does is make this little girl happy. He's an awesome dada. Last night, as I was getting ready to put Beans to bed (which is something dada does every night after I do bath time), he jumped in and said he wanted to do it. Not because he felt bad for asking me too, but because he couldn't give it up. He needed to put his little girl to bed. Go ahead, say "awww".
I'm not sure what I did to get so lucky. I'm just glad that I am. He is my awesomeness.
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