Saturday, October 18, 2008

Baby Update: 9 Month Check Up

Beans had her 9 month check up on the 16th - 9 months to the day. She weighed in at 20 pounds and 12 ounces and is a whopping 2 feet 5 inches tall. She's on track developmentally and a little ahead in some areas. The only thing she's not doing (that the pediatrician asked about) is waving bye-bye. I have faith that will come soon. I'm not stressing it. She's too busy pulling up and standing (on her own now) to wave bye-bye. 

On a not so cute and sweet note, she had to have her blood drawn like an adult, from the arm. She was held down and screamed and wailed. You'd think they were stabbing her with the needle repeatedly. I haven't seen her that shade of red since she was born. It was heart wrenching. And when they finished she clung to me with teary eyes and I thought she'd never let go. She usually smiles at the nurses when all is said and done, but not this time. She was pissed.

But back to the happy, she got her first sucker. A bubble-gum Dum-Dum. She loved it. So much in fact, that when I took it away to get her ready to go, she began screaming. So the PA gave us another (watermelon flavoured) to take home. Her dada got to give her that one. They both enjoyed it very much. Jason has been dying to give her sweets. He finally got his way.

So at  9 months, Beans is a happy healthy baby girl! Hooray! And she doesn't have to go back (unless she's sick) until January! Hooray again!

1 comment:

4get2remember said...

Yay for happy and healthy babies!!!!