Thursday, March 26, 2009

Random Question Thursday

Let's cut to the point.

Blogger asks: That can't really be a fish you're standing on, can it?

Kels answers: No. I'm not standing.

The Mommy Network

If you're a mom and you haven't heard of The Mommy Network, I suggest you check it out. It's a really cool forum where you can ask literally hundreds of other mom's questions and get advice and unbiased opinions. And the organize meetings and play dates (super awesome for mom's like me that find themselves at home with no adult conversation for long periods of time). 

They recently started a blog. You can visit it here. And you can see my first article as a guest writer here.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New Blog

I've started another blog. This (the one you're currently reading) is my personal blog. I like to post things about my life and my world in general. And of course my Beans.

Pandering to my need for artistic expression, I've started another blog: Stories of Minutia. It's going to be a collection of the things that make me feel good - or bad, as I feel that art should evoke emotions, good or bad. It's a collection of the minutia that I call art.

I enjoy it. Art is something that I do for myself. And if you enjoy it too, that's fine by me. I don't mind sharing.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Ikea Brain Freeze

That's about it in a nut shell. I went to Ikea. I was there way too long. Now my head hurts. But I only spent $36 and think I found my new dinning table.

That is all. Thank you.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Baby Update: Size Five Raaawr!

She getting bigger and bigger. My little Godzilla baby. 

A month ago I went to buy some shoes for her. She wasn't with so I asked the clerk what size one year olds usually wear. She tells me that moms come in all the time and buy size 2 for the kids. So I get a 2. It's half the size of her foot.

I got back. Again with out her. I find a different pair in a size 4. I get it home and it's like stuffing a baby elephant into a Beetle. It could work, but it's going to be tight.

So back I go. This time with Beans in tow. They measure her foot. She a size 5. That's no longer a baby size. It's a child's size.

She also weighs enough now to take children's (not infant's) Tylenol and Motrin. So I guess she's officially a child now.

And for the record, that expression in the picture is a happy face. It's her hysterically happy for no real reason face.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Random Question Thursday

It's Thursday! And I'm answering the random question! On the right day!

Blogger asks: What's the most amount of sand you've ever had in your swimming trunks?

Kels answers: I've never measured, but I'd say several tablespoons at least.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Random Question Thursday... But Not on Thursday, Again

Yeah. So I'm not the best with keeping up with this. I'm sure it's killing you. My apologies.

Blogger asks: What's the best time you've ever had licking stamps?

Kels answers: I don't remember the last time I licked a stamp. They've been self-stick for years now.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Present

One of the greatest things in my life is getting to experience moments like this everyday and occasionally catching them with my camera.

Random Question Thursday

It's Thursday and that means random question!

Blogger asks: How do you pronounce the 'g' in bologna?

Kels answers: Like the 'g' in log. Bah-log-nuh!

And there you have it. Another random question from blogger to me and from me to you.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Baby Update: Teeth and Bruises and Scrapes

Yes, it's that time again. It started in Mississippi. Beans has a second molar coming in. She's seriously fussy and grumpy and running a low grade temperature. It's just broken through the gum. She's really enjoying chewing on ice. And she actually said "ice" today. 

And speaking of new discoveries, she can now identify a nose and half way identify a mouth. She did mouth twice, but nose she knows.

And the bruises and scrapes she is so proudly displaying in the photo to the right are from her first full on encounter with pavement. Yes, little Beans was walking down my dad's drive way in Mississippi and got some serious momentum going. And it was too much. Face plant into the pavement. She handled it like a pro. She cried (wailed) for about 5 minute and then was cool. It's almost completely healed already too.

She also met the car door on the way home. She pulled this awesome maneuver in my arms and manage to connect her maxilla with the corner of the car door. Some tears and wailing, but she's tough.

Tough and cute. We're in for it.

Beany Kisses for Grand Daddy

She figured out kisses this week. Here is my dad kissing the door and Beans kissing back. How I had my camera... luck?

This probably made my dad's day too. He's on his blue tooth, taking business. It wasn't a good week for him between work and my grandmother (his mum) being ill. 

But his first (and only thus far) grandchild gave him kisses.

Hanging with Auntie Monkey

Beans got to spend some quality time with her Auntie Monkey. Yes. Monkey. It's a long story. They did some drumming and some drinking... of milk.

As you can see, Beans love hers Monkey very much. They're adorable. 

Just look at them.