Friday, March 20, 2009

Baby Update: Size Five Raaawr!

She getting bigger and bigger. My little Godzilla baby. 

A month ago I went to buy some shoes for her. She wasn't with so I asked the clerk what size one year olds usually wear. She tells me that moms come in all the time and buy size 2 for the kids. So I get a 2. It's half the size of her foot.

I got back. Again with out her. I find a different pair in a size 4. I get it home and it's like stuffing a baby elephant into a Beetle. It could work, but it's going to be tight.

So back I go. This time with Beans in tow. They measure her foot. She a size 5. That's no longer a baby size. It's a child's size.

She also weighs enough now to take children's (not infant's) Tylenol and Motrin. So I guess she's officially a child now.

And for the record, that expression in the picture is a happy face. It's her hysterically happy for no real reason face.

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