Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What is Vajazzling?

Well, if you want my opinion... stupid! As an acquaintance of mine said, I can't believe how much time and money women spend down there when I can barely find the time to shower some days!

I've never been on for things frilly, but if you are, kudos to you! I mean it. I just don't have the patience. If I'm doing my make up for a special event I take a whole 15 minutes as opposed to my usual 5. I just don't get it.

So the latest trend is Vajazzling. What is it, you may be asking? Or you may be thinking what I thought - "that sounds like an amalgamation of vagina and BeDazzle." Frighteningly (to me
anyway) it is just that. Woman are now bedazzling their bare vaginas. WHAAT!? Now, I've never even been a fan of the fully bare look. I keep things trimmed, but bare just looks to "young" for me - it's a little creepy. Just a personal preference! Not knocking anyone's hair choice, just saying some are not for me.

But now, jewels!? All I can think is that this looks a lot like the little crystal temporary tattoos that every sorority girl I passed was wearing on her hip a summer ago or so. So that was the idea - hey, let's just move it a little more south! And people pay "professionals" to do this for them!? Seriously, there are women going to salons and paying good money for some one to paste crystals to the nether regions. And don't even ask my opinion on women paying to have all their hair ripped out down there! Yikes!

Okay, I'm done. Just had to share that with my little blog world. If you do this or have done it, I'd love to know what you think and what the heck, any responses you've gotten. All I can imagine is my husband laughing hysterically then grabbing the nearest flash light, taking me to a dark room and the announcing "you're like a disco ball!" Oh so sexy. Seriously, folks.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Well Hello There...

Did you miss me? (In my head I keep hearing that in a John Wayne voice and it's cracking me up. I don't really expect it to do the same for you, unless you like me are caffeine and sleep deprived and watching a cartoon with a toddler about a sheep and his preschool friends.)

I've been away but for good reasons! Why?! Well, let me tell you...

I've been busy with the Bean first off. She's a little pistol. Still balls to the wall, nonstop, go go
go from the second she wakes up until (the 15 minutes after) her head hits the pillow! She's nearing her 3rd birthday and is all toddler!

I've been dancing around construction. My husband is slowly but surely remodeling the kitchen. It's going well, but hard to cook. Been coming up with as many one pot meals as I can with out them getting old or repetitive. It's certainly a challenge.

I've also been working on my new Etsy shop. I'm making toddler tees. I'd provide a link, but I'm going to wait until it's a little more finished for the grand "unveiling."

I've also been working (or speeding up my slow decent into madness, whatever). I'm now a "nanny." I've been helping a friend since she's gone back to work after having her second little boy. So at least three days a week I've been caring for a nearly 5 month old and two toddlers. Funny, I thought the toddlers would entertain each other... only when they're not at each other's throats! Oh and there's the poop... oh the poop. If I've never mentioned, fecal matter is one of the few things that I just, well, can't do. I'm kind of at a loss for how to describe my aversion... maybe that for another post.

We've also take in a new puppy. So our family has grown! We now have another girl doggie. We adopted her at the beginning of July. She'd been neglected and was very hungry - a measly 25 pounds. Nothing was wrong with her (no fleas, no heart worm, good teeth, good skin, great physical condition, just skin bones). But she has a "dark" side we've learned... I've nicknamed her "the Detroyer." The number of materials she can crush with her jaws is ever growing. She's chewed through plastic, wood, drywall, and a few different fabrics to name a few. Wood seems to be a favourite. After we had her spayed (insert Bob Barker saying spay and neuter your pets here) she got a little sick to her stomach and there was wood in her vomit even though she hadn't eaten since midnight the night before! We're happy to have her so you can expect many Destroyer and Bear (that's our original dog) stories to come.

That's the general gist of my life right now. I'll try to keep you posted on any interesting happenings! Until next time, world.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Say Cheese World!

I decided to give Beans a go with my camera. I think I might have a burgeoning photographer.

She shouted, "say cheese clouds" as she snapped this one.

The world through the eyes of a toddler.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Ministry of Silly Faces

I present to you the president and vice president.

This Is Just A Test!

Blogger texting, testing, 1, 2, 3,...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's Been A Minute... or Eighty Thousand

I haven't been posting. Shame on me? It's summer, it's hot, I'm busy,... and full of excuses.

I've been taking photos, but I've missed a few days. Never thought it would be that hard to snap a simple cell phone pic everyday - especially with a kid, but I guess that is part of the complication.

Things have been good though. I'll be back around. Thanks to those of you who check in from time to time for entertainment. Sorry for the involuntary hiatus.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

TTY: Day Eighty Seven

Somehow this is the only photo I took today. I'm working on a logo for a friend's new photo studio.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

TTY: Day Eighty Six

As awful as this looks, it's really quite tasty. It's a German pancake "casserole style." Jas wanted me to make extra and I only have one pie plate which is what I normally cook it in. So we got this delicious monstrosity.

Monday, May 24, 2010

TTY: Day Eighty Five

What better way to start the week than with corn on the cob for breakfast.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

TTY: Day Eighty Four

We went swimming with my uncle for the first time this summer. Beans had a blast and flipped out when we left. But we finally got her to wear a floatation device!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

TTY: Day Eighty Two

Bubbles make a happy Beans. And so do pirate shirts.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

TTY: Day Eighty One

Sweet sugar skull shirt! I made it myself! Beans calls it a "pirate shirt". Any thing with a skull is pirate, you know.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

TTY: Day Seventy Nine

I guess this is good for digestion.

Monday, May 17, 2010

TTY: Day Seventy Eight

Sadie Bear in the Jasmine. There is so much that the fragrance is almost overwhelming.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

TTY: Day Seventy Seven

What better way is there to spend a Sunday afternoon than wearing a sparkly tutu, sitting in an overstuffed chair and eating a mini ice cream drum stick with a spoon?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

TTY: Day Seventy Six

Beans, Jas, and I went to have hibachi with Jas' family. This was taken right before the chef set the whole grill on fire! I should have take video of Beans reaction - she nearly fell out of her chair! But she had a great time!

Friday, May 14, 2010

TTY: Day Seventy Five

We're picking out a thermos, for Jas!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

TTY: Day Seventy Four

Beans and I took the Bear to the doctor today. Beans thought she was at the doctor and got freaked out for a minute. But we have reestablished that we have a big, healthy Bear-dog.

Cute Blog Alert: Bentobloggy

Okay, so you have to check out this blog: Bentobloggy! I love bento (and most cutesy Asian thing for that matter). I've been reading it for a while, but just became a follower (I forget that I can do that and how much easier it is to check blogs I like that way)!

Just look at the cute bentos she makes! The photo is "Mini Corn Dogs & Jolly Octopi Gentlemen"! I love it!

It is such a cute little blog and she has so many cute ideas - and healthy too! So go here, and check it out!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

TTY: Day Seventy Three

I know as well as you this look disgusting. Food does not photograph well unless you take lots of care and time to do. And I took this on the arm of my couch with a cell phone camera. But it's called poutine and it's amazing artery clogging goodness! Fries, cheese curds, and brown gravy... mmmm, atherosclerosis.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

TTY: Day Seventy Two

I'm getting pretty decent at this sushi rolling thing.

Monday, May 10, 2010

TTY: Day Seventy One

Poor Jas. He's been battling cellulitis. It's awful, but he's doing much much better now. Thanks to antibiotics, his elbow has gone from the size of a soft ball to almost normal!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

TTY: Day Seventy

Jas made bread. He's a whiz at baking bread. These two loaves are oatmeal honey with cashews! Happy Mother's Day to my taste buds!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

TTY: Day Sixty Nine

My sister is wonderful. She sent me flowers for Mother's Day. I love that kid.

Friday, May 7, 2010

TTY: Day Sixty Eight

Pants on your head, looking a goof-ball with your pants on your head.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

TTY: Day Sixty Seven

My beautiful, hectic life. My sick husband, my butterfly winged baby, and my big stinky dog. It's a wonderful world.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

TTY: Day Sixty Five

I was doing some cooking this evening. I peeked around the corner to check on my little Beans. This is what I found. A happy toddler in a laundry basket with a piece of styrofoam.

FYI: She did not get to keep the styrofoam. I happen to know it's a non-toxic exposure if she eats it, but I'd prefer to prevent it from happening in the first place!

Monday, May 3, 2010

TTY: Day Sixty Four

My little buddy. We go almost everywhere together. Today she noticed that there are shrimp on her sippy cup. It made my day.

Hello Rostock!

It has come to my attention that I get a hit from a place called Rostock pretty often. Because I've never heard of it, I checked it out.

It's a town in the north German state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. It's name come from Polabian (an extinct West Slavic language) for "to flow apart". It's on the Warnow river and it's center is about 12 km south of the Baltic sea. The highest record temperature is 93 degrees Fahrenheit (my kind of weather).

And the icing on the cake... It's BEAUTIFUL!

So thanks for checking out my blog Rostock! You live in a gorgeous city! I'm jealous of your cool weather and river front view. Please enjoy it every day for me!

With love from your American friend, Kels.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

TTY: Day Sixty Three

Jas has been busting up the concrete slab in our back yard. All by himself. He is like a machine.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

TTY: Day Sixty Two

Quynh rocking on the ukulele she bought for Beans. I love this woman!

Friday, April 30, 2010

TTY: Day Sixty One

Homemade sushi and a couple of beers. What more need I say?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

TTY: Day Sixty

Today Beans and I ran all around doing various errands. At PetSmart, she was delighted by this bird. I'm terrified of birds. It's in my genes. Birds don't like me. Seriously. This one seemed amused by Beans. I thought maybe she'd avoided the gene that not only I but my father and sister both carry that makes birds attack us randomly... until it tried to bite her through the glass.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

TTY: Day Fifty Nine

Okay, I didn't take this one, but I was standing there when it was taken. This is another masterpiece by Quynh at A3|Productions. It just makes me too happy to not be the photo for today. Thanks Quynh!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

TTY: Day Fifty Eight

Beans and her daddy, making salsa.

Monday, April 26, 2010

TTY: Day Fifty Seven

It's hard to get Beans to sit down for a whole meal. She usually plays with her ball tent balls. They make good eyeballs and gorilla muscles.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

TTY: Day Fifty Six

Something I've never seen before: a man holding his little boy whilst getting a pedicure. It made my day.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

TTY: Day Fifty Five

Buying clothes for Jas. Playing in the dressing room waiting area. Woohoo!?

Friday, April 23, 2010

TTY: Day Fifty Four

We were out in the sand box by about 10:00 this morning. She loves her lady bug sand.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

TTY: Day Fifty Three

Pirate flops! We went shopping today and Beans got flip flops. She wanted the one with skulls on them because they were "pirate" flops in her mind. I love this kid!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

TTY: Day Fifty Two

Some days and photos are blurry. This was one of those days.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

TTY: Day Fifty One

It was about 60 degrees (Fahrenheit) outside. She should have probably had on pants, but she wanted to wear a swim suit and hoodie and blow bubbles.

Monday, April 19, 2010

TTY: Day Fifty

Blue baby. Can you tell I have a Mac? And a ticked off baby?

TTY: Day Fourty Nine

The playhouse is coming along steadily.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

TTY: Day Fourty Eight

This was Bean's reaction to seeing a butterfly up close in person. She was climbing Jas' leg. This is the same child that tries to catch carpenter bees in the back yard.

Friday, April 16, 2010

TTY: Day Fourty Seven

A friend of mine and her son came to play with me and Beans. This was only part of the hilarity. With friends like these, who needs a demolition crew?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

TTY: Day Fourty Six

Today, Beans and I went to The Porter with our buddy Anh. Anh had two beers and shared a big fat basket of the most delicious fries with us and then bought Beans some home made vanilla ice cream.