Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Baby Update: Grumpy Teeth

Yes yes. She's teething yet again. She has two molar and an incisor coming in. She's been grumpy, but sweet for days.

She's also having small tantrums again. I just look at her and tell her that screaming and yelling isn't going to make it any better. It only hurts muma's ear drums. And muma is tough.

She's also constipated. Surprised? Not really. We've switched her from formula to whole milk. It's not a big deal. The pediatrician said that her body is just adjusting and as soon as it does, she'll be her "regular" self again.

On a happier note, she's really enjoying getting into strange spots. It started with her finding her way behind the couch. And later the same day she managed to climb into her toy box - which she blended into and scared me momentarily because I didn't know where she was. And Then the other day she went back behind the couch and played peacefully as I watched from above (see photo). 

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