Monday, October 5, 2009

It's "Unofficial" Hippopotamus Week!

That's right. I'm declaring the first week of October "Hippopotamus Week"! You want to know why? Well, there's this hoax going around about a Thai circus performer (a little person) that bounced off a trampoline into a yawning hippo's mouth. The dwarf triggered the hippo's gag reflex causing the hippo to swallow. Thus, the hippo ate the performer.

Both Museum of Hoaxes and Snopes report this to be false. For some reason it keeps cycling around as fact. From what I've learned about hippos is they're mostly herbivores. They do on occasion eat carrion if it's close to the river bank, but people? If you get killed by a hippo, you'll be trampled. It happens. More often than shark attacks. At least that's what I've read. But I'm not an expert, I'm just a blogger.

Here's to the hippo! Hope you enjoy Hippopotamus Week here on When Life Gives You Potatoes!

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