Friday, December 26, 2008

A Very Bean-y Christmas

Beans has experienced Christmas. And lucky for her, my mother-in-law does it like no one else. There's all out and then there's Caroline. It's the literal definition of awesome. Here are a few candid photos from the big day.

Beans going after the pimento cheese dip my uncle made. I don't like pimento cheese, but I love his. And Beans could not and would not stay out of it.

Beans with her "Me Mama" (my grandmama). They were both pretty pleased with the situation.


Beans speanding time with her Grundada and her Auntie Logie. Again, pretty pleased.

Beans checking out Aunt Stegie's cook book. That child loves food.

Munching on the new keys. Only thing better than keys... food.

What is she doing? Oh yeah. Going for the cheese... again.

It was warm and toasty here, so she came out of the pajamas. And ate some more food. This shot was taken not long after she literally ate face first out of my dad's hand. 

And this one wraps it up for now. A happy overwhelmed baby girl.

All in all it was a whirl wind of gifts, food, and family. I'm beat and tired, and would do it all again in a heart beat. But, I'll happily wait 364 days. No problem at all.

1 comment:

4get2remember said...

Yay! Merry Christmas little Beans and family!!