Monday, December 29, 2008

What Does the Doggie Say?

If you ask Beans what the doggie says she'll tell you, "arf arf arf." However, that answer would be wrong right now.

Jason and I are sitting back, enjoying some of the baby's bed time and suddenly we hear this noise. Like a guttural, deep, howl. We look at each other, perplexed. Then I say, "Sadie."

We go to check on her and she's just fine. I guess she thought a bellowing lullaby would be nice. I've never heard her make such a noise.

I guess tomorrow we'll have to teach Beans that the doggie says, "owuooooooogh, owoooooough!"

1 comment:

4get2remember said...

Sadie Bear!!!

Sorry we didn't come over yesterday...back to school madness!!